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The Ostomy Guy

Solutions To Your Ostomy Needs


Your large intestine has been re-routed so that your body wastes now exits through a stoma on your abdominal wall.

Discharge from your colostomy can vary from a formed stool, pasty-like consistency or just liquid depending on where the stomas was fashioned in the large color; ascending, transverse, or descending. Some stomas can be controlled through irrigation; some can be managed with a closed-end pouch while others require the use of a drainable-style appliance,

There are no definite diet restrictions for colostomies, however some foods will cause excessive gas, such as broccoli, cabbage, eggs, fish, beans.  Other foods may be constipating and still others may produce odor while emptying.  Experiment with one food at a time so problem foods can be identified easily.


A small segment of your small intestine has been used to re-route urine through a stoma on your abdominal wall.

Using a night drainage system will assure a good night sleep!  While some prefer to get up periodically throughout the night to empty, it is more convenient to hook up to bedside drainage.  The pouch remains empty and you can rest without worry

there are no specific dietary restrictions for urostomates, but certain food such as asparagus will cause the urine to have more odor,  Certain juices such as grapefruit and orange go into your system acidic , but will exit the body in an aline state.  Too much alkalinity can cause crystals to build up around the stoma.  Cranberry juice is very beneficial in keeping alkaline levels in check.

Ileostomy Services

This is a brief item description.


888-360-1718 ​

5003 Parrish Rd. 

 Fort Worth, TX. 76117

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